
Sinister is a 2012 supernatural horror film directed by Scott Derrickson and written by Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill. The film follows true-crime writer Ellison (Ethan Hawke) as he discovers a box of home movies that put his family in danger. The film employs "found footage" along with traditional cinematography. Sinister is set to premiere in the United Kingdom at the London FrightFest and in Spain at the Sitges Film Festival.

Sinister follows the character of Ellison (Ethan Hawke), a true-crime novelist who purchases a new home with the hopes of writing a successful book. After moving into his new home, he discovers a box of old home movies that depict previous families who lived in the house, as well as their murders. As Ellison looks further into the mystery behind the tapes, he discovers that the murders all have ties to a supernatural entity known only as "Bagul". Bagul exists in images of himself and runs the risk of making Ellison's family the latest casualty of the house.


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